
Staff members - Ádám Kertész

Ádám Kertész

research professor emeritus

Research Group for Physical Geography

 + (36 1) 309 2600 /2686 ext.

Research topics:
Present-day physico-geographical processes (soil erosion),
landscape research, global climate change

Scientific degrees:
DSc. 1993
CSc. 1986
Dr. Univ. 1975

MSc. Pedology - University of Gödöllő, 1986
MSc. Geography and Mathematics - University of Eötvös Loránd, 1972

Teaching activity:
University professor, Eszterházy Károly College, Eger

Participation in Hungarian and international scientific organisations, societies
President of the IGU Hungarian National Committee, 1989-2009
Member of the Geographical Scientific Committee, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1990-2012
Executive Committee Member of the European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC), 1990-
Vice president of ESSC, 1996-
Council member of the Earth Sciences Doctorate School of Eötvös Loránd University, 2000-
Member of the COST Technical Committee on Environment, 2003-2006
President of ISCO (International Soil Conservation Organization), 2006-2008
Member of the Geographical Complex Scientific Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2006-2010
Member of Editorial Board of Acta Universitatis Carolinae Environmentalica Editorial Board tagja 2012-
Member of the Council of Professors, Eszterházy Károly College, Eger 2011-

Ádám Kertész - selected publications

2001. Kertész, Á.: A globális klímaváltozás természetföldrajza (Physical geography of global climate change) - Bp. Holnap Kiadó. 144 p.

2003. Kertész, Á.: Tájökológia. (Landscape ecology). - Budapest . Holnap Kiadó. 166 p.

2003. Gábris, Gy. - Kertész, Á. - Zámbó, L. Land use change and gully formation over the last 200 years in a hilly catchment. - In: CATENA 50. pp. 151-164.

2006. Kertész, Á. - Centeri, Cs.: Hungary. In.: Boardman, J. - Poesen , J. (eds.) Soil erosion in Europe. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chichester. pp. 139-154.

2007. Füleky, Gy. - Jakab, S. - Fehér, O. - Madarász, B. - Kertész, Á. Hungary and the Carpathian Basin . In: Arnalds, O. - Bartoli, F. - Buurman, P. - Oskarsson, H. - Stoops, G. - García-Rodeja, E. (eds.) Soils of Volcanic Regions in Europe. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 29-42.

2008. Kertész, Á. - Bádonyi, K. - Madarász, B. - Csepinszky, B. Environmental aspects of conventional and conservation tillage - results of the SOWAP project in Hungary. In: Goddard, T. - Zoebisch, M. - Gan, Y. - Ellis, W. - Watson, A. - Sombatpanit, S. (eds) No-till farming systems. World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWC) Beijing, China. pp. 313-330

2011. Kertész, Á. - Szalai, Z. - Jakab, G. - Tóth, A. - Szabó, Sz. - Madarász, B. - Jankauskas, B. - Guerra, A. - J. F. R. Bezerra - Panomtaranichagul, M. - Chau Thu, D. - Yi, Z. Biological geotextiles as a tool for soil moisture conservation. Land Degradation & Development 22 : (5) pp. 472-479.

2011. Fullen, M. A. - Subedi, M. - Booth, C. A. - Sarsby, R. W. - K. Davies - R. Bhattacharyya - Kugan, R. - Luckhurst, D. A. - Chan, K. - Black, A. W. - Townrow, D. - James, T. - Poesen, J. - Smets, T. - Kertesz, Á . - Toth, A. - Szalai, Z. - Jakab, G. - Jankauskas, B. - Jankauskiene, G. - Bühmann, C. - Paterson, G. - Mulibana, E. - Nell, J. P. - Van Der Merwe, G. M. E. - Guerra, A. J. T. - Mendonca, J. K. S. - Guerra, T. T. - Sathler, R. - Bezerra, J. F. R. - Peres, S. M. - Zheng Yi - Li Yongmei - Tang Li - Panomtaranichagul, M. - Peukrai, S. - Thu, D. C. - Cuong, T. H. - Toan, T. T. - Jonsyn-Ellis, F. - Sylvia, J. Z. - Cole, A. - Mulholland, B. - Dearlove, M. - Corkill, C. - Tomlinson, P. Utilising biological geotextiles: introduction to the Borassus Project and global perspectives. Land Degradation & Development 22 : (5) pp. 453-462.

2011. R. Bhattacharyya, M. A. Fullen, C. A. Booth, A. Kertesz , A. Toth, Z. Szalai, G. Jakab, K. Kozma, B. Jankauskas, G. Jankauskiene, C. Bühmann, G. Paterson, E. Mulibana, J. P. Nell, G. M. E. Van Der Merwe, A. J. T. Guerra, J. K. S. Mendonca, T. T. Guerra, R. Sathler, J. F. R. Bezerra, S. M. Peres, Z. Yi, L. Yongmei, T. Li, M. Panomtarachichigul, S. Peukrai, D. C. Thu, T. H. Cuong and T. T. Toan. Effectiveness of biological geotextiles for soil and water conservation in different agro-environments . Land Degradation & Development 22 : (5) pp. 495-504.

2011. T. Smets, J. Poesen, R. Bhattacharyya, M. A. Fullen, M. Subedi, C. A. Booth, A. Kertész , Z. Szalai, A. Toth, B. Jankauskas, G. Jankauskiene, A. Guerra, J. F. R. Bezerra, Zheng Yi, M. Panomtaranichagul, C. Bühmann and D. G. Paterson. Evaluation of biological geotextiles for reducing runoff and soil loss under various environmental conditions using laboratory and field plot data . Land Degradation & Development 22 : (5) pp. 480-494.

2011. Kertész, Á. Desertification in Hungary - processes, research and policy making. In: Vermang J. - Gabriels, D. - Cornelis, W. - De Boever M. (szerk.) Land degradation processes and assessment: wind erosion, interrill erosion, gully erosion, land cover features. Ghent , Belgium , 2010. 06. 16 - 2010. 06. 17. Ghent : Ghent University . pp. 162-168.

2011. Fehér, O. - Füleky, Gy. - Madarász, B. - Kertész, Á. Hét vulkáni kőzeten kialakult talajszelvény morfológiai és diagnosztikai jellemzői a hazai genetikai talajosztályozás és a WRB (World Reference Base for Soil Resources, 1998) szerint (Morphological and diagnostic properies of seven volcanic soil profiles according to the Hungarian Soil Classification and the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB, 1998)). Agrokémia és Talajtan 60:(1) pp. 131-148.

2012. Kertész, Á. - Jakab, G. - Őrsi, A. Gully erosion risk in Hungary . In: (ed. C.A. Brebbia) Risk Analysis VIII - Eight International Conference on Simulation in Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation, Witpress, Southampton, UK - Computational Mechanics Inc, Billerica, USA, ISBN: 978-1-84564-620-2, pp. 67-76.

2013. Jakab. G. - Németh, T. - Csepinszky, B. - Madarász, B. - Szalai, Z. - Kertész, Á. The influence of short term soil sealing and crusting on hydrology and erosion at Balaton Uplands, Hungary. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, February 2013, Vol. 8. No. 1, 147-155.

Ádám Kertész - projects

International projects

MARGINS project. Regulation of runoff from precipitation into surface water on agricultural land (2009-)

BORASSUS project. The Environmental and Socio-economic Contribution of Palm Geotextiles to Sustainable Development and Soil Conservation. EU FP6 INCO (INCO-CT-2005-510745) 2006-2009

SOWAP project - Soil and Surface Water Protection Using Conservation Tillage in Nortern and Central Europe. EU LIFE-Syngenta, 2003-2006

HERO(DOT) eNews, European environmental news. Socrates, 2001-2003.

GEONET Geographical Information on the Internet. 1999-2000.

HERODOT Using the WEB in teaching Geography. Socrates, 1999-2000.

Lake Velence Integrated Geoinformation System. Hungarian-Luxemburgian cooperation. (NKF 1-7199 és M-157-13198) 1998-2000.

MEDALUS III . (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use Project) EU FP IV, 1996-1999.

MEDALUS II. (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use Project) EU FP IV, 1994-1996.

OTKA (National scientific research program) projects

Role of gully erosion in the present landscape evolution of Hungary. (76434) 2009-2012.

Modelling of physico-geographical processes of small catchments (application of the MEDRUSH model). (T 032274) 2000-2003.

Changes of flora and soil conditions of a study site in Kiskunság caused by increasing drought. (T 032331) 2000-2003.

Land use stability of the Vértes-Velence region. (F 030060) 1999-2001.

Investigating soil erosion at the erosion station of Csákvár, Geographical Research Institute. (F 030355) 1999-2001.

Present-day processes (soil erosion) and pollution in the southern catchment of Lake Balaton. (T 024165) 1997 - 2000.

New investigation methods for air pollution of settlement environments. (F 022892) 1997-1999.

Projects supported by the Government

The role of gully erosion in forming of relief and environment. FM Project, 2003-2005.

Physico-geographical impacts of global climate change. Monitoring of aridification on the Danube-Tisza Interfluve. 2003-2004.

Assessment of soil and nutriant loss caused by soil erosion processes on the southern catchment of Balaton. FM Project, 1998-2001.

Social Renewal Operational Program (TÁMOP), member of the consortium in Project 4.2.2: Agria-Innoregion, German-Hungarian International Project (coordiantor: Eszterházy Károly College, Eger)

Social Renewal Operational Program (TÁMOP), member of the consortium in Project 4.2.2: Agria-Innoregion, German-Hungarian International Project (coordiantor: Eszterházy Károly College, Eger)

Interacademian projects

Comparative study of relationships between environmental factors and gully erosion in Hungary and in South Africa and its control (DAK-8/2002), 2003-2005.

The role of soil parameters in water and wind erosion: a comparative study of the K factor between selected Hungarian and South-African mollisols. (RSA-859/99), 2000-2002.

"Soil erosion on agricultural land and the management of ecosystems, dynamics of the managed landscapes of the Hungarian Puszta" (F-34/98), 1999 - 2000.

Investigation of aridification and degradation using landscape analysis method, on Hungarian and Spanish study sites, HAS GRI - EEZA CSIC, Spain, 1998 - 2000.

International cooperations

COST Action 634 (2003-2008)"On- and Off-site Environmental Impacts of Runoff and Erosion", European Science Foundation (ESF) COST Office, Research and Development COST Environmental Research Activities.

COST Action 629 (2001-2006) Water pollution in natural porous media at different scales (fate, impacts and indicators). European Commission Directorate General XII Science, Research and Development COST Environmental Research Activities.

COST Action 622 (1997-2003 ) Soil Resources of European volcanic systems. European Commission Directorate General XII Science, Research and Development COST Environmental Research Activities.

COST Action 623 (1997 -2003 ) Soil Erosion and Global Change. European Commission Directorate General XII Science, Research and Development COST Environmental Research Activities